Artwork of Judith Reidy

Find and enjoy Judith Reidy’s

oil, acrylic, pastel and watercolor paintings

plus her graphite and pen & ink drawings!

Shop Gallery

Featured Work

Check out and enjoy the work that I am featuring for a limited time.  And if you find something that you just have to have forever, you can purchase it now!

At the Table

Scenes of Absence

This series came with much reflection during "covid." I know we may be tired of hearing about "Covid." We all deal with stress and loss in our own way. But for me it opened my eyes to so much loss. Loss not only through covid but through broken relationships, fear and resentment. It broke my heart and opened me to seek a better way. To reexamine my superficial spirituality and take a look at what it means to love your enemies and see myself in them and even see Christ Himself in them. These painting depict missing persons from desertion, death or dereliction of duty. We each have our missing persons and as a result feel incomplete again because we are meant to belong to one another.

Judith Wins an Exhibition

Yes I am excited. But if it wasn’t for some great friends it wouldn’t be possible! Here goes the story.
“If it weren’t for Tom Piedt who kicked someone in her pants asking her what she was going to do with that Empty Chair series of paintings!
Well, she entered a show at the Anderson Arts Center in Kenosha and was awarded a three month exhibition over the summer in 2024!!! Isn’t that cool! She was in tears. If it wasn’t for another friend, Cherie Raffel, who urged her to enter the show and come out of her shell! So great to have encouraging friends!!!”

Open to the Public

2023 Annual

Winter Juried Exhibition


the Anderson Art Center 

in Kenosha, WI

2023 Annual Winter Juried Exhibition
Rose # 1

Emblems of Rebirth

Once we have encountered loss and the sorrow and disappointment that so often accompanies it, we need healing and rebirth which requires us to dig deep and trust again. Fortunately with eyes seeing new light we can trust the pictures of hope created to guides us home. Renewed and refreshed we can lift our heads in confidence that it will all make sense in time and eternity. Look to the em...

Future... Featured Work

I am always full of ideas and love to share my new adventures with you!  I am never quite sure where my adventurous intuition will lead me…. so lets find out together!

Vote for or Guess what will be next HERE!