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Scenes of Absence
This series came with much reflection during "covid." I know we may be tired of hearing about "Covid." We all deal with stress and loss in our own way. But for me it opened my eyes to so much loss. Loss not only through covid but through broken relationships, fear and resentment. It broke my heart and opened me to seek a better way. To reexamine my superficial spirituality and take a look at what it means to love your enemies and see myself in them and even see Christ Himself in them. These painting depict missing persons from desertion, death or dereliction of duty. We each have our missing persons and as a result feel incomplete again because we are meant to belong to one another.
Emblems of Rebirth
Once we have encountered loss and the sorrow and disappointment that so often accompanies it, we need healing and rebirth which requires us to dig deep and trust again. Fortunately with eyes seeing new light we can trust the pictures of hope created to guides us home. Renewed and refreshed we can lift our heads in confidence that it will all make sense in time and eternity. Look to the emblems of rebirth designed to remind us there is a way to renewal.
Homes and Businesses
Finished Commission Drawings and paintings of homes or businesses or painting in a competition.
Pastel Painting
These paintings were made with pastel, a permanent medium made with pure pigment and gum arabic.
Still Life
There is something so intimate about being in front of a still life.... it is largely some food item, like fruit or bread. It conjures up pleasant memories of delicious flavors and sharing everything good with friends. Some of these still life setups I painted outsi...
Plein Air Painting
Get outside, pick your site, edit out to create a striking design, paint fast before you light changes and you lose your vision, you're done. That's Plein Air Painting!