Personalized Painting/ Drawing Instruction Bundle

YOU get to be instrumental in designing your own painting/drawing course tailored to your needs with me.

Here’s what I mean.

I am giving you a personalized painting and drawing course.  This means that over a series of messages with you and series 4 live Q and A meetings we will design the perfect course of study to develop YOU as a painter or draughtsman. It almost like you have your own personal coach! An unbelievable opportunity!

Class is currently FULL

If you are interested in my classes please sign up here

You get a personalized painting/drawing course

Your instruction in private and your questions are confidential and will be anonymous during live Q&A.

We will begin the process with a series of messages over several weeks  which I will use to prepare for 4 live Q&A sessions which will  follow over several weeks after the holidays.

You will have many opportunities to ask questions to clear up any concerns.

  • Close to individualized training
    (This is an unbelievable value)
  • Goal assessment
    (To help you identify your direction and set you on a path in a workable timetable)
  • Instruction in painting styles and options tailored to you
    (To provide you with a freeing perspective of the many ways you can explore painting)
  • Learning style assessment
    (To help you develop resilience and balance as a creative)
  • Best materials and practices for you
    (To hone in on the materials and practices best suited to you)
  • A plan on how to start a painting
    (To try out various approaches to creating a painting)
  • Tricks to perspective
    (To discover techniques that improve the believability of shapes of objects in space)
  • Tricks to fluid lively drawing and painting
    (To eliminate stiff and stilted drawing and painting)
  • Color vibration tricks
    (To discover how to use color so that it vibrates and glows)
  • Individualized steps to better painting
    Individualized steps to better drawing
    (Once, I understand you, your experiences, your desires, I can streamline your steps to achieving your goals as a painter or draughtsman.)
  • And pretty much more as you request.
    (Listen, this is my favorite part for YOU, I listen to you and learn about things that concern YOU that I may have missed that are important to YOU!)



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