1 to 1 Painting/Drawing Coaching


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YOU get to be instrumental in designing your own painting/drawing course tailored to your needs with me.

Here's what I mean.

I am giving you a personalized painting and drawing course.  This means that over a series of messages with you and series 4 live Q and A meetings we will design the perfect course of study to develop YOU as a painter or draughtsman. It will be wonderful, as you have your own personal coach! An unbelievable opportunity!

 I am not currently taking applications for One on One coaching.    My docket is currently FULL.

If you are interested in being placed on a wait list sign up here

  • Individualized training
    (This is an unbelievable value)
  • Goal assessment
    (To help you identify your direction and set you on a path in a workable timetable)
  • Instruction in painting styles and options tailored to you
    (To provide you with a freeing perspective of the many ways you can explore painting)
  • Learning style assessment
    (To help you develop resilience and balance as a creative)
  • Best materials and practices for you
    (To hone in on the materials and practices best suited to you)
  • A plan on how to start a painting
    (To try out various approaches to creating a painting)
  • Tricks to perspective
    (To discover techniques that improve the believablity of shapes of objects in space)
  • Tricks to fluid lively drawing and painting
    (To eliminate stiff and stilted drawing and painting)
  • Color vibration tricks
    (To discover how to use color so that it vibrates and glows)
  • Individualized steps to better painting
    Individualized steps to better drawing
    (Once, I understand you, your experiences, your desires, I can streamline your steps to achieving your goals as a painter or draughtsman.)
  • And pretty much more as you request.
    (Listen, this is my favorite part for YOU, I listen to you and learn about things that concern YOU that I may have missed that are important to YOU!)
  • 4 months of material, videos, one on one meetings (5 months total with  initial bonus preparatory and assessment month)
  • even weeks small group meeting (optional)
  • 8 one on one meetings with me


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